Thursday, January 21, 2010

Report Cards

The end of the semester is here! This means that report cards should arrive in the mail the first week in February. Please set up a time to discuss any concerns that may arise. Reading logs, book summaries and reports, daily math assignments, the multi-cultural project and weekly writing assignments factor into your student's grades. Please look for and discuss graded work which should come home each Monday in their plastic folders. This will give you a snapshot of the work that is being turned in. The third quarter starts Monday and everyone has an A.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Jamie, Check out my blog, it has a great video on the sidebar, you can probably use it for yours, it is about reading. I tried to add it in my message, but was unsuccessful. I do have the link in my post. Mason will probably like it also. Between the two of you am sure you can figure it out, let me know how to do it. I also sent you an email, haven't been able to get ahold of anyone on their phones. Talk with you later. Mom